Monday 21 October 2013

Sunday 20th October: Wave again...

We had an early start (remembering that last Sunday we were blown-out by noon). It was westerly again, with an obvious wave band over the Clutha. New member (and experienced glider pilot) Jose was keen to sample his first wave, and what a good day! He and John were first up in JW. Gary towed them straight into low level wave, and 20 mins after takeoff they were heading to Roxburgh at 10,000'. After a quick trip back to Alex they did some flight exercises (stalls, spins etc) and were back on the ground after an hour.

Meanwhile Brian and Phil were soon both established in the Old Man Wave. Doug took over X/C instruction duties, this time with Allen. They headed over to the Waikaia headwaters and followed the wave north to Duffers Saddle, then ran down the Nevis. Brian was hard on their heals in KD and he continued south to reach Garston.

Brian's neat 180 deg panorama, +15kts up in the Nevis
John got airborne in KG and followed the Waikaia wave south til it ran out, then pushed west into the back of Mid Dome looking for more lift but finding little. He turned at Athol and came home via Nevis with a side trip to St Bathans.

ERW was booked for some other flying but Gary kindly came back to give JW a final tow, this time with Jack and Doug, another great X/C trip down the Nevis.

So another good wave day, fairly localized perhaps being pretty westerly, which suits the OM and Garvies. No sun and -5 at height which was cold enough.

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